
Ensuring your copy is accurate, easy-to-read and consistent is essential whatever line of business you're in. No matter how much effort you've put into something, even the smallest slip-up can distract your reader.
If you've already spent many hours on a project and are too familiar with it to notice any errors, or if time and resources in-house are limited, proofreading is the perfect task to outsource. Here’s a broad outline of what I will do if you hire me to look at your copy:
Check for any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors
Check that the text is consistent throughout (names, formatting, etc.)
Make sure it adheres to any required house style or formatting
Highlight all corrections in the way most convenient to you
Work in the format that suits you, such as Word or PDF
I’m a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and have a Distinction in Proofreading from The Publishing Training Centre.
Katie can quickly create an accurate and effective story that concisely delivers our message, is in keeping with our brand image and grabs the attention of our target audience.